Our Approach to Effective Video Marketing - Video for Ads, Shorts, Reels & Tik Tok

There are thousands of paths when it comes to video and content, many of which are ineffective. Here's our approach to delivering results.

Table Of Contents:

Avoid Wasting Resources & Getting Stuck with Ineffective Content

Sound Video Strategy:

There are thousands of paths when it comes to video and content, many of which are ineffective.

Look, some videos build businesses, some just get likes.

Some videos build a bunch of followers, but result in NO additional business.

Some videos sell, build value, improve connection, establish credibility, show off your best work & establish authority.

Some videos carry forth your vision and brand, while others will directly sell.

There's a huge difference between videos geared twoard what you and your peers enjoy, and those geared towards your customers.

Create a selling machine online first, then build credibility, then build authority, and then connection.

We Must First Build the Fishing Net & Boat

Look, your business needs results first.

Videos can deliver fantastic results, but you can easily get sidetracked into creating good videos, that do nothing for your business.

You must prioritize creating a selling machine first.

I always think of fishing.

You need a boat, bait and a net or a string with a hook- that's it.

Fishermen spend thousands on gear, tackle, boats and stuff - but really all they need is bait, a hook and some string or a net.

We'll move into decking out your operations with all the fanciful videos that you're dreaming of making, but first we're going to sell.

We are going to prioritize your selling machine first, and i'll list out the type of videos that will do that below.

Prioritization List of Types of Videos:

In order to sell, you'll want to create these videos first. Head to our approach page to learn more about how to create a selling machine.

But here's the types of videos we want to create first.

#1 Type of Video: Video Sales Letter

The first video we're going to write and create is called your video sales letter"

This video is your primary "elevator pitch".

It's all about the primary problem your customers face, positions you as the solution, and then shares the results your customer will experience.

It's the video that get's the heart of what you're doing.

This is the MOST important video to create, as it will multiply your sales efforts dramatically.

This video is rooted in a great Storybrand Based Brandscript

It should be highly engaging, probably no more than 30 - 90 seconds, or at least prioritize those early moments.

This will be used in your core website, right under the hero section, along with remarketing ads.

#2 Type of Video: Direct Selling Video Ads

Look, you need to get front end activity going.

You could cold call, or you can create really tight video ads that pique people's interest around how you can solve their problem, and ask them to take a step.

Before you start posting a bunch of othervideos, you need 3 - 6 Great selling videos.

These should be focused on PROBLEMS, and invite people to get them solved.

Clarity & brevity in the first 3-10 seconds is vital here

We also need to show images of the service, product or outcome.

These video ads should be done right after the video sales letter.

#3 Type of Video: Stakes & Overcoming Videos

Prospects need to feel what it might cost them.

We want to share what goes wrong when you choose poorly

The next type of video is where we start to build your vision and brand a bit.

We want to pose some of the stakes of choosing poorly, and then share how you've worked to overcome this along with the benefit they'll experience

Create SPECIFIC Stakes -

"If your choosing a remodeler, if you don't have a fantastic design team and process, you might end up having a bunch of regrets with your home and you'll miss out on that little spark of joy, our emphasis on our design process ensures that no stone goes unturned in personalizing your design to ensure you love it. Don't settle for a typical general contractor, choose an experienced design-build remodeler like New Spaces".

"if you're remodeling, some contractors will provide a low bid to earn your business, then act surprised and have to up-charge you once your home is torn open and you have not options.  We provide a thorough trade and architectural inspection, and create a highly detailed plan so that there are no surprises and we do everything possible to avoid change orders and up charges."

I just whipped those together quickly as I wrote this article, but these are really important.

#4 Type of Video: Lots of Credibility Building Examples & Reviews

We want to show off your amazing work, and try to frame up how you added value to the customer.

We also want to show off happy customers.

You should create heaps of portfolio videos, photos and customer testimonials.

This builds trust and shows your capabilities.

A photo is worth a 1000 words.

A video has 24 - 60 photos per second.

You need to work hard to create videos showing before and after, customer reviews & tours of projects.

These videos should be on your website, profiles, advertising and all over the place.

#5 Type of Video: Benefits & Features

You should build up a series of videos that unbox features & benefits of your work

Remember that to use the 80/20 rule here.

80% about the benefit, 20% about the feature.

Notice how far down this is on the list?

Once you've exhausted the production of these videos, you can get into here.

#6. Type of Video: Lifestyle and Brand Building

It's often good to share videos of your customer's lifestyle to build the brand a bit.

This is often hard to capture unless you're in the trenches.

Showing people enjoying the bliss you've created in their business is great.

Casting vision for a joy-filled dinner in the newly renovated kitchen is fantastic.

Unveiling a family enjoying their new pool connects deeply.

The catch here - the image needs to be on point.

It's hard to do this without highly curated and refined images or video.

I also know it's hard to capture these in authentic moments.

If you build a pool, you should really start doing "First Day Parties" where you buy the food for a barbeque in return for photos and video.

If you're doing lots of landscaping and patios, you need to find a way to show someone enjoying a sunset in the fall on the back porch.

These are super important, and it takes higher quality visuals to do this.

The good news? There's often stock video or photos we can until you nail it.

The bad news - that stock imagery often looks corny.

We think this content can quickly look corporate, but it can still be effective.

#6 Type of Video: Behind the Scenes in Our World

Now you can talk about you.

Everything up to this point is really focused on the customer, but you can't build a relationship with someone without appropriate levels of disclosure.

That means you should show off your team, your office, your trucks and things you love.

First age social media people (Millennials) tend to prioritize non-selling lifestyle posts, but they're starting to value clarity and conciseness now.

There's something wrong with a social media feed filled with curated images of just YOU, and yet people need to establish a connection with you.

There's something beautiful about showing your team, uplifting your customers and building some connection.

Self-focused posting quickly appears narcissistic if you don't showcase others.

#8 Type of Video: Follower Building & Social Engagement

Now you can post and talk to non-prospects or the industry.

You can grow the credibility and authority a bit by getting peers to engage with your content.

Success here is often more about being an influencer than it is with driving business results.

Most people start here with their content, and that's unwise.

Every bit of success you have here will fire a bit of dopamine to your brain, and you can get sucked into here quickly.

This stuff is valuable, but it's a beast unto it's own.

Don't get too excited having your peers from across the country liking all your posts, it's often a seductive sidetrack.

Video Placements: Where These Videos Get Used

People often forget that video will be placed in multiple areas, and these serve different purposes.

#1 - Video Ads on Facebook & Instagram

Sizes & Length Constraints: 

1:1 ratio, 9:16 ratio, 16:9 ratio.

Best if 15-30 seconds, directly selling, and connected to highly optimized sales copywriting.

#2 - Youtube Shorts & Tik Toks

Sizes & Length Constraints: 

9:16 Ratio, Less than 60 seconds for Youtube Shorts.

Tik Tok has more flexibililty on length, and you can even use other ratios that will work inside the 9:16 format, but sticking to the tall format is best.

These can create lots of impressions, engagement and gain you an audience.

#3 - Reels & Stories on Facebook/Instagram

9:16 Ratio, 90 seconds or less.

Stories are best kept really short.

#4 - Embedded on your Website

You should take your video sales letters, your direct selling videos, about videos and authority building videos and put them within your website.

#5 - Used in Email, Text & Nurturing Campaigns

You should use various videos in your followup, nurturing and even cold outreach marketing.

Prioritize Your Sales Machine, Then Engagement

Contractor Video Ads, Shorts, Tik Tok & Youtube: It All Starts with Great Ingredients:

What Ingredients do we need for video?

  • Great Visuals
  • Great Scripts & Messaging
  • Properly Deployed Content

We can work our magic with

  • Before & After Photos
  • Before and After Videos
  • Talking Head Content
  • Strong Scripts & Ideas
  • Brandscripting Content

We'd love to help you fulfill your sales potential with websites, marketing & video! Book a strategy call.

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